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Head of School's Welcome,

                                  Its indeed my great pleasure to welcomes you all to our online platform. Its been great journey so far by the grace of Almighty and all of your support. We started our journey since 1992 in Rajasthan. 

We came here with vision of educating people in a better way. We had started with elementary school and over the years we were able to expand it to a secondary level. Our students are serving in different level of the society. 

We are equipped with bunch of skilled professional to train the students. 90% of the staff holding a master degree in their subjects. We are always keen to deliver high quality education to the students.


I need all of your prayers and support in future too. Thank you all



Managing Director

Maranatha Secondary School 

Our Philosophy

From the moment a child is born, certain forces are at work influencing his development. As his inherited powers and tendencies surface and interact with his environment and his will, he takes on the characteristics of his adulthood. Human growth, however, does not end with physical maturity. Some faculties of the personality are capable of expansion and refinement into old age. Education, whether of child or adult,  is the directing of this total ongoing process of development toward specific objectives.

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